A: Clifton Bridge - Jim wrote: "Try the meadow around camera obscura tower at Clifton Bridge viewpoint. Used by couples (courting and swinging, also families, so be discreet) and gays, also in bushes and trees around meadow. Park at the bottom of the approach road and go the rest of the way on foot - try to act like a tourist if you want to recce the joint..."

B: Durdham Down - "In Bristol, you can find couples on Durdham Down (mainly Friday and Saturday nights) on the road known locally as "Ladies Mile". This is an unnamed road, but can be identified as it is the only straight road which goes through the middle of the downs (open greenland). Interested couples will flash their interior lights, or headlights to attract attention. I have found Saturday to be the best time to go, though around 11.00pm/Midnight is the more popular time if you were to go on another weekday."

C: Tormarton - "Six miles from Bristol. From M4 J18 head to Bath, turn right into rest area and weighbridge. Keep going right to car-park and toilets. Gays and TVs haunt the toilets, also go into woods on left as you leave main road. This is mainly flashing and meeting to go onto many lanes, in particular the pylons (some couples 'promenade'). Only about three miles from Tog Hill, so many faces familiar at both sites! The Motorway is close by and it is also well lit so it's good for video and nervous or first timers, but not really suitable for any large-scale activity (also visited by Motorway traffic cops quite regularly)." (AG and Charlie).